Takis Pifer

(231) 631-1011

(President & Mayor)              Zoning and Ordinance

President, acts as the point-man for all zoning and ordinance issues, This includes residential, commercial, and business buildings. The president's approval is required before changes or acceptions can be made. He is also responsible for site plans and zoning maps.  


Larry Cade                              General Management

(231) 590-7954

General Manager, acts as is the Chief Administrative Officer, a CAO is appointed by the Village Council to manage the affairs of the Village. He is responsible to provide the council a report on the ongoing activities, evaluations, improvements, as well as village promotion, marketing and day to day tasks. 


Jacquie Cade                          Water, Business, Taxes, General

(231) 269-3790

Secretary, acts as the secretary for all issues pertaining to taxes, zoning, and water. This role contains almost all forms, applications, and updates pertaining to the village.


Mike Guernsey                        Water Emergencies & Street Department

(231) 590-4165

Water Technician, responsibilities include water shut off/on, meter reads, and is the point of contact for water related emergency.


Dennis Kuhn II                        Clerk, S4 Water Inspector  

(989) 370-2002

Village Clerk, Serves as village Clerk. Responsibilities include publishing all legal notices relating to his council and commission meetings, this includes affixing his stamp. Other responsibilities include, taxes, scheduling public hearings, and election notices.


Cody Kuhn                            Trustee



Mike Anderson                         Trustee


Gary Griffin                              Trustee

(231) 649-1094


Matt Kelley                               Trustee


Jeff Hall                                    Trustee


Mike Guernsey                         Fire Chief

                                                  Office 269 3702   Cell 231 590 4165

                                                  Email BuckleyFireCheif@gmail.com


Justin Runyon                          Assistant Fire Cheif

                                                  Cell 231 645-0455

                                                  Email BuckleyFireChief@gmail.com

Wexford County Treasurer          (231) 779-9475